Nazareth Trail


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Welcome to the Nazareth Trail Info Page!

We love and treasure Israel, which is why we’re so passionate about projects such as the History and Prayer Trail. Even the mountain on which the viewing platform has been built is steeped in history. A mob dragged Jesus to this very spot after he had preached in Nazareth. Many other places mentioned in the Bible can be seen from this so-called “Mount of the Leap.” Have fun discovering!

Discover the Nazareth Trail

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A Thank You from the Jewish National Fund

“Thank you very much to your team and your many Christian friends for this wonderful project—mezuyan, excellent! Not only is it a beautiful panorama trail but it includes valuable, well-presented information. One can sit on a bench and gaze into the distance while your mind is being taken back to Biblical times. I’m looking forward to walking there myself. Your team leaves important and lasting marks in the Holy Land!”

Katja Tsafrir
Jewish National Fund

How You Can Contribute

Projects such as the Nazareth Trail can only be realized through donations. Many thanks to everyone who has already joined in. We’re very grateful for any additional support toward this project!

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For many years, we’ve been conducting group tours to Israel. We would like to invite you to join us! It’s fascinating to jointly experience this beautiful country and the original locations from the Bible. The Nazareth Trail will of course be part of our itinerary during our round trip through Israel!

Learn more (German)

Our Social Projects in Israel

We want to bless Israel and help people to help themselves. That’s why we have renovated fifty-five preschools that were in poor condition. Especially children from socially disadvantaged neighborhoods can now learn and play within a more child-friendly environment. We also support a drug rehab project on Mount Carmel where former drug addicts can live together in the House of Victory and learn to lead a life without drugs.

Learn more (German)

What is the Missionswerk Karlsruhe?

We are an interdenominational Christian church and charitable foundation under the leadership of Daniel and Isolde Müller. Our goal is to encourage people in their faith and meet their individual needs. We do this through personal conversations as well as through TV broadcasts, meetings, and social projects in Israel, India, and South Africa. In our monthly magazine, Freude am Leben („Joy in Life“), we inspire people in their life with God and keep them informed about our ministry. We’d be happy to send you Freude am Leben for free.

Get your free magazine (German)

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